Courses We Offer

As well as providing a top quality, dedicated service in the ‘here and now’, Tim White Media Consultancy aims to contribute to the future as well with a range of training options available, tailor-made to benefit the individual. Do you have a requirement for training that isn’t mentioned here? Contact us and we’ll do our best to help you!

All our courses are individually tailored to the client. You can propose as many candidates to attend as you wish and we will devise a timetable that works best with your budget. We are ALWAYS the best on price AND quality!
Voice Training
personally tailored courses of variable length, available from half-day upwards
Presentation Skills
personally tailored courses of variable length, available from half-day upwards
Sports Commentary
personally tailored courses of variable length, available from half-day upwards
Interview & Media Training
personally tailored courses of variable length, available from half-day upwards